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This is Why Everything is Really a Negotiation
Negotiation Tactics

This is Why Everything is Really a Negotiation

What’s negotiation anyway? When most people think about negotiation, their mind immediately goes to bickering about price.

Why Using Accusations Audits® is Basically Magic (Especially with Family)
Negotiation and Personal Relationships

Why Using Accusations Audits® is Basically Magic (Especially with Family)

Although our clients are eager to learn the Black Swan skills and put them to use in business negotiations, many don’t think about how they can also...

Using Dynamic Silence™ to Better Connect with Your Teenager
Communication Techniques

Using Dynamic Silence™ to Better Connect with Your Teenager

If you want to connect with your teenager on a deeper level, stop talking so much.

How to Help Your Kids Deal with Bullying
Communication Techniques

How to Help Your Kids Deal with Bullying

Is your child getting bullied at school? If you encourage the use of Tactical Empathy®, it can help them navigate this challenging situation.

Our 10 Most Popular Negotiation Terms That You Need to Know
Negotiation Training

Our 10 Most Popular Negotiation Terms That You Need to Know

If you have read our content over the years, you have likely seen the same negotiation terms discussed again and again.

4 Negotiation Skills to Use to Get Promoted
Earning a Promotion

4 Negotiation Skills to Use to Get Promoted

It’s only a matter of time before workers with any semblance of aspiration start focusing on doing everything they can to get promoted.

Mislabels and How They Can Impact Others

Mislabels and How They Can Impact Others

Mislabeling—using Labels™ to express an unspoken element of the conversation but getting it wrong—is a Black Swan skill many people use on accident....

Dealing with an Over-Inflated Ego
Negotiation Tactics

Dealing with an Over-Inflated Ego

For the most part, people don’t understand egos. When our counterpart has an ego, we don’t like it. We call folks with over-inflated egos...

3 Signs It’s Time to Cut Your Losses and Move on to the Next Deal
Negotiation Tactics

3 Signs It’s Time to Cut Your Losses and Move on to the Next Deal

According to Black Swan CEO and founder Chris Voss, it’s not a sin to not get a deal. However, it is a sin to take a long time to not get a deal.

Using the Quick 2+1™ in Your Personal Life
Communication Techniques

Using the Quick 2+1™ in Your Personal Life

When you’re in a conversation and someone wants or needs something, you’re in the middle of a negotiation—even when you’re talking to a family member...

5 Negotiation Skills to Use in Every Personal Relationship
Negotiation and Personal Relationships

5 Negotiation Skills to Use in Every Personal Relationship

The skills we teach at The Black Swan Group are designed to help people like you achieve better business outcomes. But our clients can also use our...

Using Calibrated Questions™️ to Win More Deals
Negotiation Tactics

Using Calibrated Questions™️ to Win More Deals

When The Black Swan Group™ first started, we taught clients to use Calibrated Questions™ to gather information. Through trial and error, we figured...

Harness the Power of Tactical Empathy®

Better listening. Better questions. Better outcomes.

Questions? We're here to help.