12 Plants You Can Start with One Cutting & A Glass of Water

Sherin Woods is a California-based DIY enthusiast and garden design aficionado. With a background in Environmental Science, she combines creativity and sustainability in all her projects. A Pinterest favorite, Sherin is committed to eco-friendly solutions and has contributed to various home and garden publications. Her areas of expertise include DIY project planning, sustainable garden design, and content creation.
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There are some Plants You Can Start with One Cutting & A Glass of Water! Surprised? Well, read more below.

If you are looking for easier ways to maintain houseplants, then these Plants You Can Start with One Cutting and a Glass of Water could be perfect for you.

Here are the best herbs you can grow in water

1. Croton

Plants You Can Start with One Cutting and a Glass of Water

Botanical Name: Codiaeum variegatum

Take a 3-6 inches long croton cutting with a few leaves and put it in a glass filled with water. Replace the water every 2-3 days, and you will see the cutting forming new roots within 4-6 weeks. You can also try growing a single croton leaf with a petiole or stem attached to it.

Have a look at the best croton varieties here

2. Pothos

Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum

Growing pothos in water is one of the simplest tasks. It’s the best way to multiply this air-purifying houseplant with heart-shaped foliage easily! All it requires is a warm area with indirect light.

Here’s all you need to know about growing pothos in water

3. Inch Plant

Plants You Can Start with One Cutting and a Glass of Water 2

Botanical Name: Tradescantia zebrina

Also popularly known as wandering jew, this creeper is super easy and fun to grow in water. Take a 5-6 inches long cutting with 3-5 leaves, put it in a glass of water, and place it in bright indirect sunlight. Soon, you will have a new plant!

Check out the best types of wandering jew plants here

4. African Violet

Botanical Name: Saintpaulia

You can easily grow African violet just from leaves in a small glass of water. The roots will form in about 3 to 4 weeks, and the leaves will sprout in 6 to 8 weeks.

Here’s everything you need to know about growing African violets from leaves

5. English Ivy

Plants You Can Start with One Cutting and a Glass of Water 3

Botanical Name: Hedera helix

Very easy to propagate and grow, English Ivy is a great-looking houseplant that you can develop using just a healthy cutting and a glass of water.

Check out our article on growing English Ivy here

6. Spider Plant

Plants You Can Start with One Cutting and a Glass of Water 4

Botanical Name: Chlorophytum comosum

Spider plants have many benefits and nominal needs. This beautiful air-purifying plant can be grown in water easily by cutting ‘babies’ from the mother plant and putting them in a jar of water.

Check out our detailed article on growing spider plants in the water here

7. Arrowhead Vine

Plants You Can Start with One Cutting and a Glass of Water 8

Botanical Name: Syngonium podophyllum

Growing arrowhead in water is as easy as growing lucky bamboo or pothos! Take a stem cutting with a few leaves from the healthy plant and put it in a glass filled with non-chlorinated water.

Here’s all you need to know about growing arrowhead plant in water

8. Dragon Tree


Botanical Name: Dracaena marginata

You can easily propagate the cuttings of a dragon tree in water. Take a cutting with one or two nodes and put it in a glass of water to immerse the nodes. Within a few weeks, the roots will appear, and then you can transplant the cutting into a pot.

9. Geranium


Botanical Name: Pelargonium x hortorum

Geraniums are very easy to propagate in water and also do quite well in jars. Take 4-6 inches of cutting from a healthy plant, put it in a vase, and place it in a bright spot, away from the direct sun. It will root in 2-4 weeks, you can then transplant it into the soil or use it as a tabletop centerpiece.

Learn how to propagate Geraniums here

10. Heartleaf Philodendron


Botanical Name: Philodendron hederaceum

The plant looks lovely in vases with heart-shaped and bright green foliage. All you have to do is snip off a 3-5 inches long cutting from a plant, put it in a glass filled with water, and place it where it gets indirect bright light. Do change the water every 3-5 days.

11. Monstera

Botanical Name: Monstera deliciosa

This plant will be an excellent tropical addition with its bold leaves. Take a stem cutting from the plant with several nodes and place it in non-chlorinated water. Place it where the plant gets indirect sunlight and change the water in 3-5 days or sooner.

Here’s all you need to know about growing monstera in water

12. Basil

Botanical Name: Ocimum basilicum

This aromatic herb has tons of benefits, and you can have it all year round by growing its cuttings in a glass of water.

Check out our article on growing basil in the water here

Watch this video for more information

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