How To Make A Balcony Garden

Suyash is a Master Gardener and the Editorial and Strategy Director at With a focus on houseplant care, he combines over a decade of hands-on horticultural experience with editorial expertise to guide and educate plant enthusiasts.
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Learn How To Make A Balcony Garden and make a space to relax, play, and watch your beloved plants flourish right before your eyes!

How To Make A Balcony Garden

In this guide, we’ll show you easy-peasy ways to turn your boring balcony into a colorful, cozy spot with some great tips on How To Make A Balcony Garden!

How To Make A Balcony Garden

1. Planning and Setting up the Balcony Garden

If you want to make a well-planned and perfect balcony garden, you must first chalk out a plan on paper. Ask yourself what your requirements are and how you want to make it. What type of plants do you want to grow? Your balcony is either sunny or shady, and what is the size of it?

Measure your balcony’s length, width, and height and draw it on paper in scale. This will make it easier to arrange various items such as furniture, large and free-standing containers, and boxes when starting out balcony gardening.

Check out some really romantic balcony ideas here

2. Choosing the Right Plants

Choosing the Right Plants to Make a Balcony Garden 2

Now comes the fun part – picking your plants! Also, consider your balcony’s sunlight. Here is what you should go for when gardening on the balcony.

East and West Facing Balcony

East and west-facing balconies get good sunlight, especially in the mornings (for east-facing) and afternoons (for west-facing).

Ideal plants for these balconies include sun-loving herbs like basil, chives, and parsley. You can also plant colorful flowers like petunias, marigolds, or zinnias.

North and South Facing Balcony

North-facing balconies generally receive less direct sunlight, making them suitable for shade-loving plants. Ferns, impatiens, and hostas are excellent choices.

For south-facing balconies that get a lot of sun, consider planting succulents like aloe vera, jade plants, or cacti.

Shady balcony

If your balcony is shaded most of the day, fear not! There are plenty of plants for you. Opt for ferns, calathea, or snake plants. These plants not only tolerate shade but also purify the air. Another great option is English Ivy.

Sunny Balcony

You can plant sunflowers, which not only brighten up your space but also attract friendly bees. Tomatoes and peppers are excellent choices for sunny balconies if you want your veggies.

Also, herbs like rosemary, thyme, and mint will thrive here.

How to Make a Balcony Herb Garden | Complete Tutorial

3. Getting the Right Containers for Balcony Garden

Containers used in the garden on a balcony should not only be practical but decorative, too. A pot must have enough holes in the bottom to allow sufficient water drainage.

Freestanding pots and planters (ceramics, clay) are stable and protect plants from falling over, but the containers mounted or fixed on the windows and railings should be of lightweight material like plastic.

Use old buckets, wooden crates, or colorful plastic pots to get creative with containers. Just ensure they are sturdy and not too heavy for your balcony railing.

4. Pay Attention to the Soil and Start Planting

Pay Attention to the Soil and Start Planting to Make a Balcony Garden 4

When it comes to gardening for balcony, the right techniques can make all the difference. Start by selecting good quality potting soil specifically designed for container gardening.

Herbs and Flowers

  • Ingredients: Equal parts of potting soil, perlite, and compost.
  • Why this Soil: Herbs like basil, and parsley and flowers such as petunias and marigolds thrive in well-draining soil. This mix provides a balance of nutrients, drainage, and aeration, ensuring your herbs and flowers grow healthy and vibrant.

Succulents and Cacti

  • Ingredients: 2 parts potting soil, 1 part perlite, and 1 part sand
  • Why this Soil: Succulents and cacti need excellent drainage to prevent root rot. This mix replicates their natural sandy habitat, allowing excess water to escape quickly and keeping the plants’ roots dry and healthy.

Best Soil For Succulents | Succulent Soil Recipes


  • Ingredients: Equal parts of potting soil, compost, and vermiculite.
  • Why this Soil: Vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, and lettuce require rich, well-aerated soil. The addition of compost enriches the soil with nutrients, while vermiculite improves drainage, creating an ideal environment for vegetables to grow and produce healthy yields.

Ferns and Indoor Plants

  • Ingredients: 2 parts peat moss, 1 part perlite, and 1 part pine bark fines.
  • Why this Soil: Ferns and indoor plants often prefer slightly acidic and well-draining soil. Peat moss provides acidity, perlite ensures proper aeration, and pine bark fines add texture, creating a suitable mix for these plants to thrive indoors on your balcony.

Once you have your soil mix prepared, gently transfer your plants from their nursery pots to your chosen containers.

Dig a small hole in the center of the soil and carefully place the plant, ensuring the top of the root ball is level with the soil surface.

Gently pat the soil around the plant to secure it and water the newly planted plants.

Pay attention to the instructions on the plant tag or the seed packet. It might specify how far apart each plant should be for optimal growth. Proper spacing prevents overcrowding and allows each plant to receive adequate sunlight and nutrients, ensuring a flourishing balcony garden.

5. Water and Care

Taking care of your balcony garden is like caring for new friends – they need just the right amount of attention and care to thrive! Watering your plants is super important, but here’s the trick: plants, much like us, don’t enjoy being soggy.

When the top inch feels dry, it’s the perfect time to give your plants a drink. But be cautious; drowning them in water isn’t good either. Plants need to breathe too! So, a good soak when needed, not a constant flood, is the way to go.

How To Water Plants + 5 Watering Mistakes You’re Doing

Keep an eye out for sneaky pests. Aphids and snails might try to nibble on your green buddies. If you spot these little troublemakers, don’t panic! Gently remove them.

You can use water to spray away aphids or simply pick snails off and relocate them to a far-off garden (not your own!). Remember, it’s like being a superhero for your plants, protecting them from unwanted invaders.

With just a bit of care, attention, and a watchful eye, your balcony garden will flourish into a beautiful, thriving oasis.

Tips To Make A Balcony Garden

Ready to turn your balcony garden into a stunning work of art while saving space? 

1. Go VerticalTips To Make A Balcony Garden

Use the vertical space of your balcony to double up your gardening area. You’ll be surprised how much potential vertical gardening has!

Buy a pot holder that will hold your pots vertically, or you can easily make one for yourself using pallets; read these DIY pallet ideas. A green wall would be a fantastic idea, too!

You can also use an old shelf or rack to keep the pots in and grow plants in hanging baskets.

42 Urban Vertical Gardening Ideas For Small Spaces

2. Create a Cozy Sitting

Create a Cozy Sitting to crate balcony garden

What’s the point of having an apartment balcony garden if you can’t sit and enjoy it? For this, you can go with a wide range of furniture. Furniture for a balcony garden must be foldable and lightweight so that you can move it quickly.

Have a look at these inspiring balcony furniture ideas

If you own a sunny balcony, it is better to choose bright-colored furniture because they heat up slowly. Remember, the colors must match up your balcony garden’s theme and plants.

3. Decorate Your Balcony Garden

Decorate Your Balcony Garden

Once your plants are happily settled, it’s time to bring your balcony garden to life with some creative decorations and balcony garden ideas! Throw in some vibrant, comfy cushions, tables, and chairs – they not only add color but also make your balcony a cozy spot to relax.

Consider adding small garden ornaments like decorative bird feeders, wind chimes, or quirky plant pots. These little touches not only show off your personality but also attract delightful visitors like birds and butterflies.

Balcony Decorating Ideas | 17 Things to Buy for a Balcony


Creating your balcony garden is like crafting a magical green kingdom. It’s not just about plants; it’s about turning a small space into a lively paradise. 

So, get your hands dirty, have fun, and let your balcony bloom into a beautiful oasis! Happy gardening!

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